Download Vendor Application Below![]()
Columbus, Ohio is a city of many cultures and diverse experiences; Columbus GospelFest is part of that cultural diversity. Vendors bring to every event an opportunity to share in the diversity through food, merchandise, and services. We offer vendors an additional opportunity to expose themselves to the public through excellence in selling good products and providing paid-for services. Our quality vendors are certified, cleared by the health department, and have valid vendor licenses.
Want to become a Vendor at this year's event? Download the application and send it to [email protected]. You can pay Vendor Registration fees below. Vendor Registration Fee
Vendor Registration fee for the Columbus Gospelfest being held on July 15th, 2023 Food Truck Registration Fee
Food Truck/ Vendor Registration Fee for the Columbus Gospelfest being held on July 15th, 2023 Non-Profit Organization Registration Fee
Non-Profit vendor registration fee for the Columbus Gospelfest being held on July 15th, 2023 |